ETG (2D1)
Tour to Awash National Park

Day 1: Drive for about 3 hours some 200km east of Addis Ababa to Awash National Park. Stop at Lake Beseka for bird watching; proceed to Awash River falls, then, drive to Awash town for lunch and overnight stay at Awash Park Lodge or similar or camping.
Day 2: Early in the morning game drive in the park for some games visit. In the afternoon drive back to Addis. En route, stop at Debrezeit to have lunch and visit some crater lakes.

ETG (2D2)
Tour to Langano

Day 1: Drive 210km to Langano via the crater lakes town of Bishoftu. En route stop at Lake Ziway, some 160km from Addis to have a boat trip and see aquatic birds like Marabou Storks, Knob-Billed Geese, Pelicans, Saddle-Bill Stork, Greater and Lesser Jacana, Ruppell’s Griffin Vulture, Red Breasted Pipit, Black Egret, etc. And also see Hippos which are occasionally visible. The lake also supports an abundant population of Tilapia Nilotica-a medium sized flat fish that can weigh up to 1.5kg. Continue driving to Langano and check in at one of the lodges by the lake Langano. After lunch, relax at the shore of the lake. The main attraction of the Lake Langano is that it is safe for swimming.
Day 2: After breakfast drive to Abijata-Shala National Park. This park is dominated by the two rift valley lakes for which it is named. Baboons are quite common and you may see Greater Kudu, Grants’ Gazelle, Abyssinian Hare, Black Backed Jackal and Spotted Hyena, etc. See also the water birds at Shala Lake which is used as the breeding ground for white Pelicans as well as various species of Cormorant and Storks. The birds feed on Abijata’s fish but the increased salinity caused by the fall in water has killed off the fish and the pelicans and other fish feeding birds have been forced to forge further afield. Drive to Addis. Lunch on the way and stop at Bishoftu to see at least two of the crater lakes.

ETG (2D3)
Tour to Wondogenet and Hawassa

Program Day 1: After breakfast drive to Wondo-Genet. Stop at Lake Ziway for bird watching and lunch, then, proceed to Wondo-Genet; relax at the thermal swimming pool, over night at Wabe-Shebele Hotel.
Day 2: After breakfast drive to Awassa, visit the fish market, boat trip on Lake Awassa, and drive to Addis. En route visit the Abyata-Shalla National Park, proceed for lunch to Ziway. In the afternoon continue driving to Addis. End of service.

ETG (2D4)
Tour to Ambo, Wonchi and Woliso

Day 1: Morning drive to Ambo. On the way in Addis Alem visit Addis Alem St. Mariam church- a circular church decorated with paintings of lions and cheetahs, and in the church compound is the museum with historical antiquities of royal families and religious manuscripts. Proceed to the falls around Ambo and back to Ambo for an overnight stay.
Day 2: Drive to the creator lake of Wonchi, make a boat trip to visit the monastery of Cherkos, enjoy the surrounding scenery, lunch at Woliso and in the late afternoon drive back to Addis Ababa. End of service.

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