ETG (E1)
Tour to the Blue Nile Gorge, Portuguese Bridge and Debre Libanos Monastery

Early morning, head to the Blue Nile Gorge (200kms) and drive down the 1,000m long winding gorge enjoying the expansive views over terraced slopes and euphorbia-studded cliffs to the opposite wall. Park the car around the Renaissance Bridge and walk to the old bridge built by Emperor Haile Silassie for a superb view of the Blue Nile River and the surrounding hills.
On the way back stop for lunch at one of the towns hotels. Then continue your visit with the 16th century Portuguese Bridge and endowed with the breathtaking scenery of Jemma River valley. Cross the bridge and follow the cliff edge to your right for a view back to the waterfall (during rainy season) and the Washa Chilada (Chilada Cave). Around the natural setting are Chilada Baboons which are indigenous and a number of bird species including Lammergeyer, Auger Buzzard, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, the endemic Banded Barbet, Abyssinian Wood Pecker, Ruppell's Black Chat, White-Winged Cliff-Chat, and many more.
Next take the 4km detour to the renowned 13th century Monastery of Debre Libanos established by St. Tekle Haymanot. The interior of the church is decorated by stained-glass windows of various saints. There are historical antiquities in the museum of the church compound worth visiting.
Finally, drive back and arrival in Addis is late in the afternoon. Transfer to your place of stay and end of service.

ETG (E2)
Tour to Debre Libanos Monastery and Portuguese Bridge

Morning pick up from place of stay and start driving to the North of Addis some 100km to the famous 13th century Monastery of Debre Libanos established by St. Tekle Haymanot . Standing between a cliff and the gorge of one of the tributaries of the Blue Nile called Jemma River, the church has gorgeous marble interior ornamented with stained-glass windows of a range of saints and on the façade is a striking mosaic figure. In the museum of the church are found historical antiquities worth visiting.
After lunch at one of the local restaurants or hotels, visit the nearby Portuguese Bridge and enjoy the awesome scenery of Jemma River Valley. The bridge was constructed in the sixteenth century by the Portuguese using the traditional sealant of limestone and crushed ostrich shell instead of cement. Cross the bridge and follow the cliff edge to your right for a view back to the waterfall (during rainy season) and the Washa Chilada (Chilada Cave). Around the natural setting are Chilada Baboons which are indigenous and a number of bird species including Lammergeyer, Auger Buzzard, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, the endemic Banded Barbet, Abyssinian Wood Pecker, Ruppell's Black Chat, White-Winged Cliff-Chat, and many more.
In the afternoon back to Addis Ababa and transfer to your place of stay. End of service.

ETG (E3)
Tour to Melka Kunture, Adadi Mariam Church and Tiya Stelea Park

Meet your guide in the morning and head South-West of Addis Ababa all the way through the semi-desert and grassland for more than 90kms. The first stop is at 50km - Melka Kunture - paleontological site - a fenced enclosure kept for excavation and collection of prehistory physical remains. The main excavation in the site include fossilized animal bones, Stone Age pebble tools of ancient men (estimated to be 2 million years old) which are exhibited in the mini museums in the field.
Then continue driving 23km (including the 13km right detour on the gravel road) to the well-known church called Adadi Mariam. This is a unique earth and rock hewn in underground cave that resembles the Lalibela churches believed to be built by King Lalibela himself. It lies in the ground with steps descending to the main entrances. The church has 10 gates and 14 small windows to let the sun light in.
Next, drive some 43km to the stelae field of Tiya. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the stelae field today comprises some 45 stones of up to 2m in height. They mark the mass graves of males and females who died when they were between 18 and 30 years of age and who were laid to rest in a foetal position about 800 years ago.
Back to Addis but before transferring to your place of stay have lunch at one of the restaurants. End of service.

ETG (E4)
Tour to Lake Ziway

Morning, pick up from your place of stay and start heading to the South East of Addis. Stop at the town of Bishoftu and enjoy the view of Bishoftu Lake while having tea or coffee from one of the resorts. After that, see another crater lake known by the name 'Hora' where the Oromo people celebrate their thanks giving day every year in the first week of October. Great Cormorant, Egrets, Kingfishers, Egyptian Geese are the common birds found in the vicinity.
After 23kms, at the town of Mojo, take the right turn to Ziway. On the way spot green houses of flowers, fields of strawberries and wine grapes. Also on the way is the artificial lake of Koka with plenty of aquatic birds and vegetables grown by irrigation.
Arrive in Ziway after almost four hours. Then have a boat trip on Lake Ziway. This is one of the largest Rift Valley lakes with a surface area of 430sq km. It supports an abundant population of Tilapia Nilotica. Lake Ziway offers the best bird watching of any Rift Valley Lake. There are birds like Marabou Stork, White Pelicans, Sacred Ibis, Greater and Lesser Jacana and Hamrkob by the shore of the lake. At the bird island are found Yellow Billed Stork, Black Crake, Lesser Moorhen, Black-Tailed Godwit, Garganey, European Marsh Harrier, Ruppell's Griffin Vulture. Red-Breasted Pipit, African Fish Eagle, Egrets (among which are Umbrella Birds), Sacred Ibis, Heron, Great Cormorants and many more variety of birds. There are also Hippopotamus on the northern part of the lake, where the Meki River flows in. Also walk on the island of Gelila and visit an old monastery dating between the 13th and 14th century.
Have lunch at the best restaurant in town and drive back to Addis on the Expressway after Mojo. End of service.

ETG (E5)
Tour to Bishoftu (Debrezeit)

Drive some 50km to the town of Debrezeit which is characterized by a cluster of volcanic crater lakes and popular spiritual sites that made around the town. It is also remembered as the site of Ahmed Gragn's famous victory over Emperor Lebna Denagil in 1529, which resulted in the destruction of several towns and the looting of some important churches, and which also cleared the way for the region to be occupied by the Oromo who still inhabit it today. Bougainvillea, Flame Trees and Frangipani brighten the streets of the town. The town lies at the epicenter of the most accessible crater-lake field in Africa- up to five lakes. Enjoy the view of Bishoftu Lake while having tea or coffee from one of the resorts. After that, see another crater lake known by the name 'Hora' where the Oromo people celebrate their thanks giving day every year in the first week of October. Great Cormorant, Egrets, Kingfishers, Egyptian Geese are the common birds found in the vicinity.
After lunch visit more lakes like Babogaya, Kuriftu and Cheleklaka (during wet season). Finally drive back to Addis and transfer to your place of stay.End of service.

ETG (E6)
Tour to Wonchi

In the morning drive to the Creator Lake of Wonchi via Ambo. Wenchi is a highland place located in the Oromia Region 160 km west of Addis Ababa. It has beautiful mountainous landscape, used partly as farmland and partly covered by natural forest. Walk or horse ride down to the lake passing stunning views of the crystal clear water lying in the deep crater lake. Also on the way are waterfalls and indigenous forest and alpine vegetation. Have a boat trip on Wonchi Crater Lake and visit the monastery of Cherkos the foundation of which is attributed by some to the 15th century Emperor Zara Yaqob and by others to the 13th century St. Tekle Haymonaot.
Drive further to Woliso for lunch and come back to Addis late in the afternoon.End of service.

ETG (E7)
Tour to Menagesha-Suba Forest

Menagesha-Suba Forest is situated at about 55kms west from Addis Ababa in the Wechecha Mountain range. This oldest park in Africa has a coverage of 2,500 hectares of trees with an altitude range of 2,300m to 3,000m above sea level. It was designated as a crown forest in the 15th century.
After finishing the formalities at the Head Quarter, start a leisurely trekking up in to the forest for at least one and half hours. The forest is mostly made up of African Juniper Procera that grows up to 30 meters and the valleys have many exotic plants and flowers. It also boasts a number of mammals including Duiker, Colobus Monkey and Endemic Menelik Bushbuck. Bird life is abundant in this densely wooded area where Abyssinian Oriole, Yellow-Fronted Parrot, Rougets Rail, Blue-Winged Goose and Black-Headed Siskin are among the country’s endemics that can be seen easily.
Lunch is served from the lunch box at one of the camping sites in the forest or at one of the restaurants nearby. Finally be back to Addis and transfer to your place of stay.End of service.

ETG (E8)
Tour to Debrebirhan and Ankober

Ankober is one of the historical towns of Ethiopia which was the former seat of the Shewa kings. It is in the eastern escarpment of the Ethiopian Highlands at an elevation of about 2,465m 40kms to the east of Debre Birhan and about 172kms northeast of Addis Ababa.
Visit Menelik's palace where he lived until he moved his palace to what is now Addis Ababa, at Mount Entoto in 1878. Also explore the nearby churches including the Kidus Mikael built by Sahle Selassie- the grandfather of Menelik II. The surrounding of Ankober is where the Ankober Serin, one of the endemic birds of Ethiopia, is found. Enjoy the panoramic view into the Afar lowlands overlooking the Awash Valley.
Have a picnic lunch or at Ankober Palace Lodge relaxing on the terrace overlooking the magnificent landscape and drive back to Addis. En route, if open, visit Debrebrihan Selasie church built in the 15th AD. Transfer to place of stay and End of service.

ETG (E9)
Tour to Sodere

Morning drive to the spa town of Sodere via the bustling town of Bishoftu (Debre Zeit), the most frequented weekend resort 25kms south of Adama (Nazret) and 120 kms southeast of Addis Ababa. With an altitude of 1,466 meters above sea level, this town lies alongside the Awash River and features lush and shady vegetation. Vervet monkeys live on the resort grounds. Crocodiles and, less frequently, hippos may be seen. The hot springs resort is popular for its therapeutic effects. Relax at the thermal Olympic size swimming pool.
After having lunch at the restaurant start heading back to Addis. Transfer to your place of stay and End of service.

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